Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever | Hebrews 13:8

Hope Sunday 2024

Watch this testimony video

Prayer Requests:

Persons struggling with addiction to have the strength and courage to seek treatment
Parents and families that have lost loved one ones due to drug addiction
Children living in homes with parents in active addiction or with parents that a incarcerated
Grandparents and other kin caring for children affected by parent drug addiction Systems providing support and services to individuals and families impacted by addiction
The Church to bring the Hope and light to our communities

About Hope Sunday


About HOPE Sunday

Empower Tusc Coalition (formerly the Tuscarawas County Anti-Drug Coalition) and the Tuscarawas County Council for Church and Community (T4C) is partnering again with local churches across denominations to bring hope to communities impacted by issues around drug addiction.
On Sunday, September 22, all Tuscarawas and Carroll County churches are invited to participate in Hope Sunday. It is an opportunity to create awareness around substance use prevention, treatment and recovery in our local communities, and an opportunity to acknowledge the vital role that local churches and community members can play in bringing hope and light to those touched by substance use addiction.
Last year’s event included participation from 100+ churches across Tuscarawas and Carroll Counties. The testimony emphasizes the importance of community support and the overarching theme of hope!
Jodi Salvo, Coordinator of Empower Tusc, encourages our local churches to participate in Hope Sunday. This is an opportunity for the church to become better equipped around the area of drug addiction and recovery. “We want each and every person in our county to know there is help and hope when facing substance use addiction and recovery,” says Salvo. “Our community churches are a place where persons can go to find love and support.”